Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Something Better

This song has been on repeat in my head for the past few days. It's a prayer for revival and renewal...thus it is my prayer for me and the students I lead (but not just those things). I love how simple it is, and I love how often the words "take this" are sung. It's all "take this," which obviously means that he doesn't like it and is tired of dealing with it because he knows there is something better, and he asks for whatever that "something better" is. Now we don't always know what exactly that "something better" is, but when we pray knowing that we need to change or that we need something better (or need to live for something better), those prayers will be answered. They may not be answered in the ways we expect, but be confident that the Lord is transforming us into something better.

Enjoy the video!

1 comment:

not your ordinary anything said...

i love this song!! and your blog is awesome, i just discovered it. yeahh blog buddies. we need to get meagan to post more, cause hers is awesome too. will she see this? hmm, i hope so haha.