Sunday, March 27, 2011

I becomes We becomes Others

I work part time doing youth ministry at a church where the average age is over 50. At first, this was a strange experience for me because I've never been part of an 'older' church. Being part of a more traditional church has definitely stretched me. I'm still not entirely used to it, but it's been awesome to get to know people better there. They have great hearts.

The youth group I lead meets on Sunday nights in various homes of people in the congregation. I've been really blessed by their generosity. Because of them we have a youth group that can meet in comfy living rooms where we can eat delicious snacks and play awesome games. Earlier tonight I met with students at a house where the owners' grandchildren are around my age. They even have two great-grandchildren! I really respect their leadership in the church. Like other people in the congregation, they realize that unless they change things, the average age of the members will continue to increase until there is no more church there. They are beginning to form a plan of action to reach out to the community to make more disciples, and it's been an exciting and challenging time!

I used to think that it would be difficult for this church to change because they seemed to be so set in their ways, but they are making some good steps forward. It seems like it would be so hard for an 'old' church to become 'young.'

But tonight, I was filled with more hope for the church. I had a short but meaningful conversation with the man of the house. He's a war vet and a patriot and a good leader and a follower of Christ. He asked me about me and my fiance and I told him that we are excited to get married in two months! He is also excited for us, but he's still also very excited about his marriage. On March 1st, he and his wife will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. How awesome is that! I respect couples who can say that...they should brag about it as much as they want...maybe not brag, but they should celebrate ti as much as they want. Anyway, I told him that I really appreciate and respect that.

He told me that, for their marriage to work, they had to move from "I" to "we." He said it gets fun when you get to the point of "we." But he said it gets even more fun when you move from "we" to "others." He and his wife have enjoyed their marriage. Just then I realized that this little church has a unique opportunity to get this church to grow. First, they are committed. If they can commit to marriage for that long, then they certainly can stay committed to changing the face of their church. I realized that the members of this congregation are very wise. They have the ability to invest in younger generations and pass on the wisdom they've acquired over time. That would create meaningful and lasting relationships.

I don't I said, they have a way to go but they're on the right track. The Lord wants to be made greater in Penns Valley, so He'll use that church. He's given them a very unique set of skills and gifts to do a God-sized task, and I'm excited to see how it all plays out!

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